Tenerife Feb 2012

Arty motorway


Cliffs Teno


Irina Cliffs Teno


Irina exhaused Teno


Lighthouse Teno


Opuntia dillenii Prickly Pears


Hillside with Euphorbia canariensis Cardón


Euphorbia canariensis Cardón


Mike photographing Euphorbia canariensis


Opuntia dillenii Prickly Pears


Kleinia neriifolia or Canary Islands candle plant


Plocama pendula Balo


Reichardia crystallina


Species rich dry valley


Lavandula buchii



Periploca laevigata


Irina and Mike species rich dry valley


Periploca laevigata



Xanthoria elegans (?)


Irina with Euphorbias


monanthes silensis (????)


Species rich dry valley


Windmills wind turbine and Euphorbia canariensis


Pericallis echinata


Argyranthemum coronopifolium (?)


Lavatera acerifolia


Big waves surf Atlantic


Big waves surf Atlantic


Big waves surf Atlantic


Big waves surf Atlantic


Irina on bench


Las Mercedes (mirador De Jardina)



From Pico Ingles Englishmans peak


From Pico Ingles Englishmans peak


Usneas on Laurel forest trees


Laurel forest clothing hillsides


Irina with Erica scoparia


Irina Sonchus congestus


Irina with Sonchus acaulis


Mike in Laurel forest


Andryala pinnatifida


Pericallis tussilaginis


Semele androgyna


Gesnouinia arborea


Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala


Canarina canariensis Canary bell-flower


Sonchus on roadside




Laurel forest trees with moss


Canarina canariensis Canary bell-flower


Polycarpaea divaricata


Irina with Sonchus congestus


Geranium canariense Giant Geranium


Davallia canariensis


Geranium canariense Giant Geranium


Heterodermia (black and white lichen possibly H leucomela) orange lichen Teloschistes


Las Mercedes from Mirador de Jardina


Farming terraces


Roofs and buildings Puerto de la Cruz


Arbutus canariensis


Rose rock


Pinus canariensis Canary Island Pine


Pinus canariensis Canary Island Pine


Pinus canariensis Canary Island Pine


Cloud sea and Canary pine forest


Adenocarpus viscosus


Mount Teide volcano


Balanced rocks


La Fontenella walk with pumice desert


La Fontenella walk with pumice desert


La Fontenella walk with pumice desert


Pumice and other volcanic rocks La Fontenella


Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis


Cinder cone Teide national park




Echium wildpretii Teide bugloss


Towards summit of Mount Teide volcano




Green rocks Parque Nacional de las Cañadas del Teide


Mount Teide volcano



Irina with larva


Mount Teide volcano



Canary pine forest in cloud


Irina with Statues of native people and Spanish invaders


Tenerife Lizard (Gallotia galloti)


Volcan de las Arenas


Volcan de las Arenas


Toilet sign


Underground houses in larva tubes


Euphorbia balsamifera Tabaiba Dulce


French students in larva field


Mike in larva field


Zygophyllum fontanesii Uvas de Mar


Mike photographing Zygophyllum fontanesii


Crabs on rocks avoiding huge waves


Rough sea and larva field Malpais de Güímar


Euphorbias Malpais de Güímar


Ceropegia fusca


Euphorbias Malpais de Güímar


Irina with Ceropegia fusca


Euphorbias Malpais de Güímar


Rainbow Malpais de Güímar


San Juan de la Rambla


Charco de la Laja natural pool San Juan de la Rambla


Balcony San Juan de la Rambla


San Juan de la Rambla


Dracaena draco Canary Islands Dragon Tree


Dracaena draco Canary Islands Dragon Tree


Balcony Icod de Los Vinos


Dracaena draco Canary Islands Dragon Tree


Door Icod de Los Vinos


Courtyard Icod de Los Vinos


Dracaena draco Canary Islands Dragon Tree


Guanche mummy (replica) Icod de Los Vinos


Dracaena draco Canary Islands Dragon Tree


Balcony Puerto del la Cruz


Sunset with palm trees


Sunbeams sunset Puerto del la Cruz


Sunbeams sunset Puerto del la Cruz


Sunset waves Puerto del la Cruz


Cuscuta planiflora (?) Dodder parasitic plant


Fossil dune Punta Gotera with fossil soil scorched by larva


Reichardia ligulata



Fossil dune Punta Gotera


Banana plantation


Lighthouse Punta del Hidalgo


Irina paddling


Big waves and surf Atlantic


Big waves and surf Atlantic


Mountains Anaga


Mike in Laurel forest


Laurel forest track


Lobaria pulmonaria Tree Lungwort



Mike photographing mosses Laurel forest


Cut laurel forest tree possibly Erica




Gennaria diphylla


Gennaria diphylla



Sand dunes


Sand dunes


Bit of sand dune looking like lizard



Mike photographing rock pool life


Physalia physalia Portugese Man-of-War




Launaea arborescens Aulaga


Mike in desert


Irina in desert


Tarentola delalandii Tenerife Gecko


Tarentola delalandii Tenerife Gecko


Tarentola delalandii Tenerife Gecko


Tarentola delalandii Tenerife Gecko


Mount Teide sunset with cloud sea from plane


Coming in to land Luton at night